Resources of

The Resources below are sorted alphabetically and exclude Resources that are used for testing/developing purposes or Resources only for internal use within an organization.


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Université de Neuchâtel
No Helpdesk web page specified
UniNE Moodle
Helpdesk web page
[en]UniNE Moodle
Moodle server of University of Neuchatel
[fr]UniNE Moodle
Serveur Moodle de l'Université de Neuchâtel

UniNE Planif
Helpdesk web page
[en]UniNE Planif
Planif application server of University of Neuchatel

UniNE Portail IS-Academia
Helpdesk web page
[fr]UniNE Portail IS-Academia
Application de gestion académique de l'Université de Neuchâtel
[en]UniNE Portail IS-Academia
Application de gestion académique de l'Université de Neuchâtel

UniNE Portail reverse-proxy AAI
Helpdesk web page
[fr]UniNE Portail reverse-proxy AAI
Portail global pour applications administratives et applications simples nécessitant une authentification AAI
[en]UniNE AAI reverse-proxy portal
Global portal for administrative applications and simple applications requiring AAI authentication