Study branch 3   othershow all attributes
Name swissEduPersonStudyBranch3
Description Study branch of a student
Vocabulary controlled, see below
References SIUS/SHIS
OIDC n/a
OID 2.16.756.
LDAP Syntax Integer {6}
# of values multi
Example values
  • 4700
  • 7450


This attribute follows the catalog of study branches of theSIUS/SHIS. It is classified in branch, domain of branch and group of domain. This attribute is a code corresponding to the branch.

Find possible values for swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType = university in the first column of the uniStudyBranch3.csv file or for swissEduPersonHomeOrganizationType = uas in the first column of the uasStudyBranch3.csv file. See Appendix A: 'Code lists' in theAttribute Specification.

The possible values of this attribute and their meaning correspond exactly to the coding used by the SIUS/SHIS; this coding is already used by every university for the data they regularly send to SIUS/SHIS.


  • This attribute is meaningful only if the person is a student
    (eduPersonAffiliation = student).

  • The uniStudyBranch3.csv file (uasStudyBranch3.csv) lists possible values of this attribute and the corresponding meaning in German and French.
    Example: the value 7450 means that the student is studying in the branch "Mikrotechnik" ("Microtechnique").

  • If a value of this attribute is set, it implies always a value of swissEduPersonStudyBranch1 even if it is not explicitly defined; it is the value given on the seventh column of the csv file. It also implies (not always) a value of swissEduPersonStudyBranch2.
    Example: swissEduPersonStudyBranch3 = 7450 means that swissEduPersonStudyBranch2 = 62 and swissEduPersonStudy-Branch1 = 6.

  • Change process: SHIS/SIUS may add new study branches, but will not delete or modify existing ones. Home organizations are obliged to implement new branches until the statistical data records have to be delivered to SHIS/SIUS (i.e. every year on Nov 15).

All attribute definitions in a single document: Switch edu-ID Attribute Specification