The VHO service

While the VHO service (hard- and software) is operated by SWITCH, the registration of the end users and the maintenance of accounts is under the responsibility of the resource owner who wants certain VHO groups of VHO end users to be included into the VHO.

VHO service

The VHO administrator and manages end users. The VHO administrator, appointed by the resource owner, is responsible for:

  • Correct and well maintained account data (e.g. deleted, when a user is no longer using the resource)
  • Generating a username and initial password and transmission of these credentials to the end user
  • End user support

Administration Tool

The VHO administrator tool allows VHO administrators to manage the assigned groups and end users.

Managing Groups

VHO Group List

The administrator has an overview of all the groups, which he is responsible for

VHO Group Admin

The group's management page lists all administrators of that group and provides a simple ‘new administrator invitation’ functionality

VHO Group Support

Defining the content of the support page for this group

VHO Group Templates

Customizing e-mail templates, i.e. ‘new user’ or ‘reset password’

Managing End Users

VHO User List

The user list allows executing some predefined actions, like expire, delete or download some or all users. Different colours display the state of each user (active, expired, deleted). The administrator can sort users by their attributes or perform wildcard searches.

VHO User Create
VHO User Create
VHO User Create

User creation and modification, including password reset by form...

VHO User Import

...or easy mass user creation by file upload

VHO Admin Preferences

Useful features for the administrator include setting default values for the managed group or defining custom views for the user list.

End User Services

SWITCH provides a few basic self-services for VHO end users like passwort change and reset:


VHO users benefit from web single sign on like other SWITCHaai users.

VHO Password

Every VHO user can change the own password, provided they do not want to use the generated one.
An appropriate password policy ensures good passwords

VHO Support Contats

End users can visit the general VHO support page and find helpful contact information about their group

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