edu-ID Specific Attributes



Swiss edu-ID internal identifier

Name swissEduID
Description The Swiss edu-ID persistent identifier for Swiss Higher Education users
Vocabulary -
References RFC4122, eduidspec
OID 2.16.756.
# of values single
Example values
  • d3f4bdaf-da5c-4851-ae02-26416dfda1c2
  • 0000a1a1-b2f8-42fa-852b-d768f8261e20


The identifier is associated to a user for her/his entire life. The swissEduID should only be used internally to link personal data over a long period of time between services or applications and across institutional boundaries. The swissEduID SHOULD NOT be exposed to users.

A swissEduID issued to a real person is a

  • UUID version 4 according to RFC4122

  • all characters MUST be lower case
  • Not all of the first 16 bits (the first 4 hex digits) are 0

A swissEduID that has the value 0 in the 16 leading bits (in the first 4 hex digits) is reserved for examples, developments, tests, debugging etc.

Linked Affiliation IDs

Name swissEduIDLinkedAffiliationUniqueID
Description List of swissEduPersonUniqueID values of all current affiliations
Vocabulary see controlled vocabulary for eduPersonAffiliation
References aai attribute spec
OID 2.16.756.
# of values multi
Example values


The attribute contains all swissEduPersonUniqueID values of all current affiliations of an edu-ID account. The attribute is mainly used by services that require the extended attribute model. For each of the swissEduPersonUniqueID values the associated affiliation attributes can be accessed by issueing a GET request via the affiliation API.

Linked Affiliation e-Mail Addresses

Name swissEduIDLinkedAffiliationMail
Description List of mail values of all current affiliations
Vocabulary -
References aai attribute spec
OID 2.16.756.
# of values multi
Example values


The attribute contains all mail values of all current affiliations of an edu-ID account. Note that the order of the values in the attribute is not defined. To associate e-Mail addresses from affiliations to their corresponding swissEduPersonUniqueID the extended attribute model with requests to the affiliation API needs to be implemented.

Linked Scoped Affiliations

Name swissEduIDLinkedAffiliation
Description List of eduPersonScopedAffiliation values of all current affiliations
Vocabulary -
References aai attribute spec
OID 2.16.756.
# of values multi
Example values


The attribute contains all scoped-affiliation values of all current affiliations of an edu-ID account. 

Associated e-Mail Addresses

Name swissEduIDAssociatedMail
Description List of all personally added email addresses
Vocabulary -
References aai attribute spec
OID 2.16.756.
# of values multi
Example values


The attribute contains all mail values that a user has personally added to the edu-ID account. The order of the values in the attribute is not defined.