Hack The Hacker Lausanne (FR)

One wrong click and there it is: A criminal hacker has infected your organisation's computer system with ransomware - a disaster! It’s up to you and your colleagues to find the decryption code and save the data. Can you solve all the puzzles in time?



Cyber Security


26.–28. Nov 2024

9:00–18:00 h


Switch, EPFL Innovation Park Bâtiment, 1015 Lausanne.

Additional Information

The Game:

The Hack The Hacker escape room: 


About the Event:

Information security can be perceived as boring but is a crucial topic to be held high among employees. 

Our Security Adventures make information security fun and entertaining while providing lasting security training effects. «Hack The Hacker» raises interest in security topics and transfers sustainable knowledge through fun and teamwork. The training consists of three parts. An introduction provides the participants with basic knowledge about security which they further need to apply during the game. In a debriefing, the experienced security aspects are strengthened by referring back to the initially discussed topics.

For three days we will set up our escape room in our office at EPFL Innovation Park in Lausanne. Bring your team colleagues or offer it to other teams in your organisation - the Hack The Hacker security adventure is a great way to combine information security training with team building and lots of fun.



  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Participants: up to 6
  • Price per game: CHF 750.- / 500.- (higher education)
  • Learning topics: Password security, E-Mail security 

Make a request for a group session by filling out the form below. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at: awareness@switch.ch

Register now

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