How to request a SWITCHpki DigiCert user certificate (personal certificate)

In general, SWITCHpki user certificates are available to the organizations which belong to the SWITCH Community (as defined in appendix 1 of the Service regulations for services by SWITCH) and have signed up for SWITCHpki. For specific information about the availability at an individual organization, please get in touch with the respective local registration authority (contact information).

Once you have determined that you are eligible for receiving a user certificate from your organization, follow the steps below to submit your request.

Request a certificate via DigiCert CertCentral

Instructions for requesting a certificate can be found here:

Please talk to your local Registration Authority at your institution to get access to the order form and to get further instructions.

Under Client Certificates, select Premium.

The specific type offered via our provider Digicert is a Client Certificate with the commercial product name Premium.