Switch Community Security Operation Center
There are various systems that provide information on security incidents. However, there is often no single point of contact for collecting and analysing the logs. As a result, those responsible do not have the comprehensive overview required to ensure security incidents are detected in good time. The situation is further exacerbated by the shortage of specialists and the prevailing cost pressures. The CommunitySOC from Switch offers you a central competence centre for analysing and responding to security incidents. Early detection and professional handling by designated security professionals means you are comprehensively protected against threats. You benefit from leading-edge technologies thanks to international networking and access to cutting-edge research in the field of cyber security.

Unique expertise at Switch
Switch offers cyber security with highly qualified Swiss security personnel. Our experts identify critical vulnerabilities and quickly identify suitable solutions. To stay ahead of cyber crime, it is essential to provide the best security experts with up-to-date knowledge of the technologies and methods deployed. Switch focuses on recruiting the best in their fields to join CommunitySOC. Thanks to continuous training and our international networking activities, we are always one step ahead of threats.

Jens-Christian Fischer
Team Leader Community SOC